Amanda Tapping

Personal Dossier

Name:  Amanda Tapping
Character:  Major Dr Samantha Carter
Rochford, England
Hair: Blond
Eyes:  Brown
Residence Previously:  Raised in Toronto, Ontario. 
Residence: Vancouver, British Columbia
Marital Status: Married to Allan
  Siblings: She has three brothers, who just happened to be sci-fi fans
  Dependants: None Known.
  Pets: She does have a toy dog. That she keeps on set with her.
Education: A graduate of the University of Windsor School of Dramatic Art


Professional Profile Tapping has performed in such theatrical productions as "Steel Magnolias" at the West End Theatre, "Look Back in Anger," "Children of A Lesser God" and "The Taming of the Shrew." She has guest starred on such series as "The X-Files" and "Due South." Her more prominent roles include "Forever Knight," "Lessons in Love" and the Disney series "Flash forward."

General Thoughts 

On her Character "...I'm your happy estrogen bubble...that's me!" 
Are you anything like your characters? "Yes, and no. Yes in that I'm very driven, and I like to think that I'm very strong, though not as strong as Samantha. I'm not as smart as she is! I think that I personally have a better sense of humor than Samantha, or at least I'm allowed to show it more."

"I guess on a personal level, I grew up with three brothers, so it's easy being the only woman with three men. I guess that would be the strongest aspect. And I have a telescope!"

Favourite Episodes:
Solitudes. Singularity. Just in terms of the challenge for me as an actor. In the Line of Duty. And I guess I would also say that these were episodes that I was fairly heavily in, so that was a challenge.
Fact She grew up as a "Little House on the Prairie" fan

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