Decrees - The Science of the
Spoken Word


Spoken prayer is at the heart of the world’s religions, whether it be the Jewish Shema, the Christian Our Father and Hail Mary, the Hindu Maha mantra or the Om Mani Padme Hum of the Tibetan Buddhists. The science of the spoken Word is a system of prayer that draws upon these ancient traditions and also incorporates new techniques into a practice known as "decreeing".

What are Decrees?

Decrees are a stepped-up form of prayer. They are the most effective and powerful way to harness God’s energy because they combine different spiritual practices such as prayer, meditation, visualisation and affirmations, in conjunction with the use of God’s name, into the one exercise.

Another reason decrees are so powerful is that they form a direct link to your Higher Self, who holds the keys of creation. When you draw closer to your Higher Self, this increases the amount of God’s spiritual energy flowing to you. You can then use this energy for whatever you want - to draw to yourself the things that you need; to find the right job, home and circumstance in life; to heal yourself and your loved ones; or to fix problems in your town or city.

No matter what religion you practice, you can add decrees to your devotions or meditations to accelerate your spiritual development.

Principles of the Science of the Spoken Word

Use the name of God. When God spoke to Moses out of the burning bush, he told him to tell the children of Israel that his name is I AM THAT I AM and that "this is my name forever, and this is my memorial unto all generations." The Jerusalem bible translates this as "This is my name for all time; by this name I shall be invoked for all generations to come." When God revealed his name to Moses, he was giving us the authority to invoke him through his name.

When you say, "I AM THAT I AM," you’re simply saying, "I, myself, am right here the I AM Presence of God that is above me." Every time you say, "I AM..., you are really saying, "God in me is...," and thus drawing to yourself whatever follows. For example, when you say, "I AM illumination," you are saying that God in you is attracting to you more illumination.

Spoken prayer is more effective than silent prayer. Always pray and decree out loud if possible. There is power in your voice. God used this power when he said: "Let there be light." By using your gift of speech, you increase the effectiveness of your prayers and decrees. If you can’t decree aloud - if you’re in a public place, for instance - you can repeat the decrees in your mind.

Visualise what you want to happen. Your attitude and thoughts while you decree are crucial. When you decree, you should visualise, or see, a mental image. As you become more familiar with decrees, you can close your eyes as you repeat them and strengthen your concentration on the mental image. Your primary focus while decreeing should always be your God Self, or I AM Presence, which you can see and meditate on as a blazing sun of light overhead. You can visualize light descending from your I AM Presence and coalescing around your body, dissolving your problems and precipitating the circumstances that you need.

Sometimes the decree itself evokes a mental image which you can also focus on.

Be specific. The more specific you are in your decrees, the better God is able to answer you. Ask yourself what you want out of your prayers and decrees. It can help to make a list of all the things you need help with. You can recite the list each day in your prayers and decrees, ticking things off as they are answered, and adding new things as they arise.

Repeating decrees increases their benefit. Decrees, fiats and mantras are all meant to be repeated. In the East, people repeat their mantras over and over, even thousands of times a day. Each time you repeat a prayer or decree, you strengthen the power of the request by qualifying it with more and more of God’s light-energy. It is a good idea to repeat decrees in multiples of three, starting out with three or nine repetitions. You you can gradually increase this to 36, 72 or even 144 repetitions.

How do you Decree?

You can give decrees anywhere, even while you’re doing chores, going for a walk or driving. But you should try to spend at least some time each day decreeing in a quiet place, with no interruptions, at an altar you’ve consecrated - a closet or a corner of your bedroom or living room. You can put on your altar candles, crystals, flowers and photographs of saints, Ascended Masters and those for whom you are praying. Have the room well-lit, clean and aired.

Sit comfortably in a straight chair with your spine and head erect, legs and arms uncrossed and feet flat on the floor. Rest your hands on your upper legs, with palms facing upwards.

Take a few, slow deep breaths and centre in your heart. Speak the decree with devotion, love and feeling. Begin slowly and at the pitch of your normal speaking voice. Endow each word with intense love for God, holding in mind your chosen visualisation. Speaking the decree slowly allows you to achieve a deep, heartfelt communion with God.

As you repeat the decree, you can gradually increase both the speed and pitch. You should consciously increase the speed of your decrees only if you feel the need; the decree should almost speed itself up.

When you use the science of the spoken Word, you are decreeing by God's authority, and God will answer you in the way that is best for your soul. Don't be disappointed if your requests are not immediately answered. Your Higher Self may be trying to lead you in another direction, one that ultimately will bring greater soul growth. Be prepared for results, even if they are not the ones you are looking for. Remember, God said, "Prove me now herewith, if I will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it!"

Even if you are able to decree for just a few minutes a day, it can make a difference in your mental outlook, your physical condition and in your relationship with God. Try the science of the spoken Word, and see what the light can do for you and what you can do for a world in need. Following are some examples of decrees - experiment with them and see if you notice a difference in your day to day life.

Tube of Light Decree

Beloved I AM Presence bright,
Round me seal your Tube of Light
From Ascended Master flame
Called forth now in God’s own name.
Let it keep my temple free
From all discord sent to me.

I AM calling forth Violet Fire
To blaze and transmute all desire,
Keeping on in Freedom’s name
Till I AM one with the Violet Flame

Visualisation: See a tube of fiery, opaque, white spiritual energy nine feet in diameter descending around you from your I AM Presence. See the tube block all negative energy directed at you. Then see a violet-coloured flame filling the tube, liberating you from your daily burdens.

Travelling Protection Decree

Lord Michael before!
Lord Michael behind!
Lord Michael to the right!
Lord Michael to the left!
Lord Michael above!
Lord Michael below!
Lord Michael, Lord Michael wherever I go!

I AM his love protecting here!
I AM his love protecting here!
I AM his love protecting here!

Visualisation: As you say, "Lord Michael before! Lord Michael behind...," visualise great blue angels all around you. This is a great decree to give while driving. You can visualize Archangel Michael and his angels surrounding every car on the road. As you say, "I AM his love protecting here," you can see Archangel Michael protecting everyone on earth.

                                                                    Violet Fire Mantra


Visualisation: See yourself before a large violet-coloured bonfire, about three metres high and two metres wide. See yourself stepping into the flame, so the violet flame is where you physically are. See your body as transparent, with the flames curling up from beneath your feet, passing through and around your body, clear up over your head.


Material in this article is based on The Creative Power of Sound by Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

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